My Endometrial Cancer Was Dismissed as Fibroids
My symptoms were ignored for more than a year despite having a personal and family history of cancer
Diseases that result from abnormal cells growing uncontrollably and attacking healthy body tissue
My symptoms were ignored for more than a year despite having a personal and family history of cancer
Rates of melanoma — the deadliest form of skin cancer — have been on the rise for women. Learn the signs of this serious skin cancer.
Melanoma isn’t a common cancer diagnosis for people with darker skin, but those who develop it are less likely to survive
Los Ăndices de melanoma, la forma más mortal de cáncer de piel, están aumentando para las mujeres. ObtĂ©n informaciĂłn sobre las señales de este grave cáncer de piel.
El melanoma no es un diagnóstico de cáncer frecuente para personas con piel más oscura, pero aquellas que lo padecen tienen menos probabilidades de sobrevivir
Fluctuating hormones and higher levels of estrogen increase the risk for this common disease
Las fluctuaciones hormonales y el incremento en los niveles de estrogenos