Real Women, Real Stories
We’re proud to be a trusted voice in women’s healthcare, and even prouder that so many women trust us to share their stories with the world. We’re dedicated to making sure women from every walk of life are heard, and our Ready, Healthy & Able program is just one example of that commitment to furthering women’s health.
That’s why we’d love for you to tell your story, too. Real Women, Real Stories are short essays that document your unique health journey. And don’t worry, you’ll be interviewed by a professional writer who will tell your story with care — and you can always remain anonymous if needed.
Have a story you want to share? Please fill out our story submission form to contribute!

Just As My Husband Went to War Overseas, My War Began at Home
Now I work to make sure other cancer warriors are battle-ready

I Loved My Army and Air Force Career, but the Toll It Took on My Health Was Brutal
After my experience with healthcare in the military, I’m now committed to getting veterans fair treatment

It Wasn’t Stress. It Was Lupus.
Every time I was told I was “just working too hard,” the misdiagnosis allowed my body to continue damaging itself

Military Doctors Told Me I Was Fine — But I Had Lupus
I got so sick that I ended up intubated in the ICU

After Being Exposed to Burn Pits in Iraq, I Live with Chronic Lung Diseases
Sadly, I’m one of the lucky ones

After I Was Diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer, I Had Another Shock
My breast cancer surgeon missed a red flag, and I’ll always wonder if that changed everything

Lupus is A Cruel Disease — But Through Living With it, I’ve Found Balance and Grace
I embrace support, self-care and self-advocacy

Surviving Sexual Assault and Harassment in the Marine Corps Made Me a Fierce Advocate for Change
The military can — and must — do better regarding military sexual trauma

With Metastatic Breast Cancer, I Can’t Control Much — But That Only Makes Me Fight Harder For a Cure
Fundraising and advocating for research puts hope within my reach

I Gave Birth During a Hurricane While My Husband Was Deployed to Afghanistan
Military spouses learn to be flexible, but I didn’t expect to change my birth plan so many times or for birth to be such a traumatic experience

Being A Queer Survivor of Sexual Assault in the Military Was Devastating — But It’s Made Me a Strong Advocate
I now focus on protecting and advancing the rights for the LGBTQ+ community as well as veterans and future service members

As a Military Spouse, I’m Working to Connect Communities
Military spouses and families of color can face unique challenges when we move to new locations. That’s why I created a network to help us better navigate our new stations.

For Nearly a Year, Doctors Dismissed My Bladder Cancer Symptoms as UTIs
In my bladder cancer advocacy work, I see many other women overlooked by medical professionals

At Age 23, I Needed Persistence — and Data — to Convince Navy Doctors I Needed Fertility Treatment
Advocating for myself finally got me the baby I was trying for

My OB-GYN Told Me It Was Nothing to Worry About — But It Ended Up Being Ovarian Cancer
Fortunately, I wound up with a supportive team of healthcare providers who helped me get well

Instead of Treating My Endometriosis, PCOS and Uterine Fibroids, Doctors Told Me to “Toughen Up”
I had to leave the military healthcare system to finally be taken seriously