I Loved My Army and Air Force Career, but the Toll It Took on My Health Was Brutal
After my experience with healthcare in the military, I’m now committed to getting veterans fair treatment
Read through our articles to learn all about your gastrointestinal system and the conditions that affect it — from hemorrhoids to irritable bowel syndrome and everything in between.
After my experience with healthcare in the military, I’m now committed to getting veterans fair treatment
Después de mi experiencia con la atención médica en las fuerzas armadas, tengo el compromiso de hacer que los veteranos reciban un trato justo
Watch this video and learn what you can do before and during deployment to help your IBS symptoms
Your guide to understanding and managing IBS, GERD and other issues affecting your GI tract
Tu guía para comprender y manejar el SII, la ERGE y otros problemas que afectan tu tracto GI
Family physician and Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves Ada Stewart, M.D., discusses how GI conditions affect service members assigned female at birth
From celiac disease to ulcerative colitis and everything in between, use this chart to learn more about GI conditions
Desde la enfermedad celíaca a la colitis ulcerosa y todo entre esas dos opciones, usa esta tabla para obtener más información acerca de los trastornos GI
From heartburn to constipation, pregnancy can affect your digestive system. Here’s what’s normal and what’s not.
Desde acidez hasta estreñimiento, el embarazo puede afectar tu sistema digestivo. Aquí encontrarás lo qué es y lo qué no es normal