Colon Cancer Screening Options That Aren’t a Colonoscopy
To detect colon cancer earlier, it’s critical to know your options and understand that colonoscopies aren’t the only colon cancer screening option available.
Read through our articles to learn all about your gastrointestinal system and the conditions that affect it — from hemorrhoids to irritable bowel syndrome and everything in between.
To detect colon cancer earlier, it’s critical to know your options and understand that colonoscopies aren’t the only colon cancer screening option available.
New research links caffeine consumption to a healthy gut microbiome — the trillions of microorganisms that live in your digestive tract and affect your overall health.
Potent acid blockers (called proton pump inhibitors) work well to block stomach acid, but generally they’re intended to treat short episodes of heartburn or reflux. There are risks to long-term use.
Constipation may become a problem in menopause, and, yes, hormones may be to blame. So, what can you do about it?
Hey IBD mamas and moms-to-be—this article is for you! I wanted to share 5 of my “life hacks” for taking on motherhood while living with IBD.
If you’ve ever wondered why emotional distress causes stomach cramps or a mad dash to the bathroom, know that there’s a direct line of communication that runs from your brain to your digestive tract.
Colonoscopies are essential to preventing colon cancer, but the prep is never fun. Here are some tips for making sure the preparation goes well—and you don’t have to repeat it.
Without screening, colon cancer can be in an advanced stage before it is discovered. Generally, the earlier colon cancer is found the easier it is to treat.
If you’re having a hard time going to the bathroom, you may be suffering from constipation. And you’re not alone. Here are some tips to help you go more regularly.
A simple potty stool under your feet might help cure constipation, researchers say.