Urological Health
Learn how to identify and treat issues related to your urinary tract, including sexually transmitted infections, urinary tract infections, vaginal discharge and more
Is this an STI or something else? We’ll help you figure out if you’re having symptoms of an STI and why you need to take them seriously
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Check out our articles about urological health and learn more about how to work with your healthcare provider to get a diagnosis and treatment for issues you may be experiencing
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Is this an STI or something else? We’ll help you figure out if you’re having symptoms of an STI and why you need to take them seriously

HPV Vaccination Is Cancer Prevention
HPV vaccines can prevent many cancers. Learn more about them.

Common Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases
Learn about the symptoms, treatments and spread of STIs

Infecciones y enfermedades comunes de transmisión sexual
Obtén información sobre los síntomas, tratamientos y contagio de las ITS

Chlamydia Is the Most Common Sexually Transmitted Infection in the Military
Learn the facts about avoiding and treating chlamydia
Urinary Tract Infections
Learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of a UTI and steps you can take to prevent them

For Nearly a Year, Doctors Dismissed My Bladder Cancer Symptoms as UTIs
In my bladder cancer advocacy work, I see many other women overlooked by medical professionals

Military Doctors Told Me I Had UTIs — It Ended Up Being Bladder Cancer
By the time I was diagnosed, I had stage 4 cancer

Preventing the Pain of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Find out what changes you can make to help prevent UTIs

Causes and Prevention of UTIs in the Military
What you can do to prevent urinary tract infections
Vaginal Discharge
Vaginal discharge is a fact of life. Although it can be embarrassing to discuss, it’s usually normal — but sometimes it’s not. Learn when to talk to your healthcare provider

Common Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases
Learn about the symptoms, treatments and spread of STIs

Infecciones y enfermedades comunes de transmisión sexual
Obtén información sobre los síntomas, tratamientos y contagio de las ITS

Women of the Military Podcast: Women’s Health on Missions, Trainings and Deployments
Nurse and veteran Pam Price and veteran Amanda Huffman discuss the importance of hygiene for overall health

Chlamydia Is the Most Common Sexually Transmitted Infection in the Military
Learn the facts about avoiding and treating chlamydia
Real Women, Real Stories
Our urologic health is often a mystery to us — read how other servicewomen dealt with their urological health issues

For Nearly a Year, Doctors Dismissed My Bladder Cancer Symptoms as UTIs
In my bladder cancer advocacy work, I see many other women overlooked by medical professionals

Military Doctors Told Me I Had UTIs — It Ended Up Being Bladder Cancer
By the time I was diagnosed, I had stage 4 cancer

Doctores de las fuerzas armadas me dijeron que tenía UTI, realmente tenía cáncer de la vejiga
Cuando me diagnosticaron, ya tenía cáncer de etapa 4

Keeping My HIV Diagnosis a Secret for a Year Taught Me a Lot About People’s Stereotypes
Managing your health with HIV is hard enough, but facing the stigma of HIV makes it even harder

Have a story you want to share?
Your story has value — and we want to help you share it with other women in our Real Women, Real Stories series. And we understand if you want to remain anonymous.