The Connection Between Young Adults and Colon Cancer
Here’s a look at why younger adults are being diagnosed with colon cancer and how they can lower their risk
A cancer that affects the large intestine or the rectum, and is also called colon cancer
Here’s a look at why younger adults are being diagnosed with colon cancer and how they can lower their risk
Echaremos un vistazo a la razón por la cual adultos más jóvenes están recibiendo diagnósticos de cáncer de colon y cómo se puede reducir su riesgo
From celiac disease to ulcerative colitis and everything in between, use this chart to learn more about GI conditions
Desde la enfermedad celíaca a la colitis ulcerosa y todo entre esas dos opciones, usa esta tabla para obtener más información acerca de los trastornos GI
Watch this webinar as leading experts discuss symptoms, risk factors and screening guidelines for colon cancer
Fola May, M.D., an associate professor of medicine at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and a gastroenterologist answers questions about colorectal cancer, screening, how to find a provider and more
Los afroamericanos y los judíos asquenazí tienen un mayor riesgo de cáncer colorrectal. Una cantidad cada vez más grande de mujeres también podría tener riesgo.
African Americans and Ashkenazi Jews face a higher risk of colorectal cancer. A growing number of young women might also be at risk.
I’m dedicated to spreading awareness about Lynch syndrome and encourage others to get genetically tested for it
Me dedico a concientizar a la gente acerca del síndrome de Lynch y a motivar a otras personas para que se sometan a pruebas genéticas para detectarlo