A cancer that affects the large intestine or the rectum, and is also called colon cancer
Many colorectal cancer survivors deal with mental health challenges, but the disease doesn’t have to define you
I had to go septic before doctors paid attention
Muchos sobrevivientes de cáncer colorrectal enfrentan dificultades de la salud mental, pero la enfermedad no tiene que definirte
My cancer diagnosis led me to appreciate the little things — and learn to dance
I never imagined I could get colorectal cancer at such a young age
Colorectal cancer is deadly, but it’s also highly preventable. The first step is talking about it.
Learn about what colonoscopies are, when and how to get them, and how they can help prevent colon cancer
Understand the basics of colorectal cancer, who’s at risk and how you can increase your chances of survival if you develop the disease