I Loved My Army and Air Force Career, but the Toll It Took on My Health Was Brutal
After my experience with healthcare in the military, I’m now committed to getting veterans fair treatment
Several different conditions that keep your lungs from working properly
After my experience with healthcare in the military, I’m now committed to getting veterans fair treatment
Después de mi experiencia con la atención médica en las fuerzas armadas, tengo el compromiso de hacer que los veteranos reciban un trato justo
Learn how you can manage asthma, how it will affect your military career and more
Sadly, I’m one of the lucky ones
Lamentablemente, soy una de las afortunadas
Obtén información sobre cómo puedes manejar el asma, en qué forma afectará tu carrera militar y más
People exposed to burn pits must advocate for their own health
Las personas expuestas a fosas de quema deben defender sus derechos por su propia salud
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is on the rise in women. Here’s what you need to know.
Here’s what to do if you’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer and what you need to know about lung cancer treatment options