For Nearly a Year, Doctors Dismissed My Bladder Cancer Symptoms as UTIs
In my bladder cancer advocacy work, I see many other women overlooked by medical professionals
Infections in the urinary system, typically caused by bacteria
In my bladder cancer advocacy work, I see many other women overlooked by medical professionals
By the time I was diagnosed, I had stage 4 cancer
Cuando me diagnosticaron, ya tenía cáncer de etapa 4
Find out what changes you can make to help prevent UTIs
Identifica qué cambios puedes hacer para prevenir UTI
What you can do to prevent urinary tract infections
Lo que puedes hacer para prevenir infecciones urinarias
Learn what your pelvic pain may be trying to tell you
Obtén más información sobre lo que tu dolor pélvico podría indicar
Military women and people with female biology should be empowered to seek help for urinary tract infections