This educational resource was created with support from AstraZeneca.
Video transcript
[Narrator] Living with lupus can be challenging. And if your partner’s a service member, the stresses of a military lifestyle can make fatigue, pain and other symptoms especially hard to deal with. But there are some things you can do to make it easier.
Learn your triggers, so you can try to reduce the number or severity of flare-ups. Some common triggers can be avoided if you limit the time you spend in the sun, and wear sunscreen, long sleeves and hats if you have to be outside.
Avoid fluorescent lights, get plenty of sleep, reduce stress when you can, and manage your mental health.
To get through difficult times, it can help to build a support system of people you trust.
You can also contact the Exceptional Family Member Program for resources and support. In addition, they may be able to help your family avoid PCSes so you can stay close to your healthcare provider.
Avoiding triggers, practicing self-care and getting support can make a huge difference in your quality of life.