10 Questions to Ask Your Medical Provider About Gastrointestinal (GI) Issues
Use our question guide to make the most of your GI appointment
Read through our articles to learn all about your gastrointestinal system and the conditions that affect it — from hemorrhoids to irritable bowel syndrome and everything in between.
Use our question guide to make the most of your GI appointment
Usa nuestra guía de preguntas para aprovechar tu consulta GI lo más posible
How GI conditions can affect servicewomen and impact mission-readiness
En qué forma las condiciones GI pueden afectar a las mujeres de las fuerzas armadas y sus disponibilidades para misiones
Military fitness training triggered my severe irritable bowel syndrome — and I was arrested because of it
El entrenamiento militar de ejercicio desencadenó un síndrome de intestino irritable grave y me arrestaron por eso
I’m dedicated to spreading awareness about Lynch syndrome and encourage others to get genetically tested for it
Me dedico a concientizar a la gente acerca del síndrome de Lynch y a motivar a otras personas para que se sometan a pruebas genéticas para detectarlo