How to Care for Your Mental Health if You Have Colon Cancer
Many colorectal cancer survivors deal with mental health challenges, but the disease doesn’t have to define you
Read through our articles to learn all about your gastrointestinal system and the conditions that affect it — from hemorrhoids to irritable bowel syndrome and everything in between.
Many colorectal cancer survivors deal with mental health challenges, but the disease doesn’t have to define you
I had to go septic before doctors paid attention
Muchos sobrevivientes de cáncer colorrectal enfrentan dificultades de la salud mental, pero la enfermedad no tiene que definirte
Learn what your pelvic pain may be trying to tell you
Obtén más información sobre lo que tu dolor pélvico podría indicar
Yes, you can be too clean for your own good
Find out how your brain’s health can affect your gut, and how a healthy gut can help improve your mood and cognition
My cancer diagnosis led me to appreciate the little things — and learn to dance
I never imagined I could get colorectal cancer at such a young age