Build Your Period Go-Bag
When you’re heading out on a mission, training or deployment, don’t forget to make a period plan
The regular release of blood and tissue from the uterus through the vagina
When you’re heading out on a mission, training or deployment, don’t forget to make a period plan
Cuando sales a una misiĂłn, entrenamiento o despliegue militar, no olvides hacer un plan para los perĂodos menstruales
Having my period when I was a soldier was tough — so we got creative about it.
Tener mi perĂodo menstrual cuando estaba en las fuerzas armadas era duro, asĂ que tuvimos que ser creativas
Pelvic pain isn’t normal — find out when to seek help
El dolor pélvico no es normal, entérate de cuándo debes buscar ayuda
Learn what common menopause symptoms are and how you can cope with them
Watch our video to learn about perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause
OB-GYN Toni Marengo and podcaster Amanda Huffman cover reproductive health challenges servicewomen and service members with female biology face.
Get the information you need to better understand your period