Menstruating in the Military Can Be Challenging — So I Took Birth Control to Stop My Period
Having my period when I was a soldier was tough — so we got creative about it.
Read personal stories about the health journeys of servicewomen like you
Having my period when I was a soldier was tough — so we got creative about it.
Tener mi período menstrual cuando estaba en las fuerzas armadas era duro, así que tuvimos que ser creativas
Puesto que soy una joven sobreviviente de melanoma de color, promuevo la concientización y la protección solar para todos
As a young melanoma survivor of color, I advocate for awareness and sun protection for everyone
Military fitness training triggered my severe irritable bowel syndrome — and I was arrested because of it
El entrenamiento militar de ejercicio desencadenó un síndrome de intestino irritable grave y me arrestaron por eso
As a young woman of color, I was seemingly the last person who would be struck by the potentially lethal skin cancer
Ignoraron mis síntomas durante más de un año a pesar de tener antecedentes personales y familiares de cáncer
My symptoms were ignored for more than a year despite having a personal and family history of cancer
I was sexually assaulted and harassed in the Army. Then, the ovarian health problems began. I’m still paying with my mental and physical health.