It’s Your Period Again? Really?
When endometriosis makes your periods unbearable, navigating a male-dominated career means crossing a minefield of dismissal and disbelief
Reproductive health is often a private and difficult subject to talk about — read about the reproductive healthcare experiences of other servicewomen
When endometriosis makes your periods unbearable, navigating a male-dominated career means crossing a minefield of dismissal and disbelief
Cuando la endometriosis hace que tus períodos menstruales sean insoportables, atravesar una carrera dominada por los hombres implica cruzar un campo minado de condescendencia e incredulidad.
The root of the problem? A lack of care for women’s health issues.
¿La raíz del problema? Una falta de atención para los problemas médicos de las mujeres.
Even though I had access to comprehensive healthcare and specialists, my symptoms were still dismissed
After losing my close friend to cancer that was diagnosed too late, I knew I had to advocate for myself
My fibroids caused severe anemia, and I needed a blood transfusion. But I’ve learned to manage the condition and advocate for the compassionate care I need
After living with the pain of fibroids for 17 years, treating them was the best gift I could give myself.