Menstruating in the Military Can Be Challenging — So I Took Birth Control to Stop My Period
Having my period when I was a soldier was tough — so we got creative about it.
A method, device, medication or surgery that prevents pregnancy.
Having my period when I was a soldier was tough — so we got creative about it.
Tener mi período menstrual cuando estaba en las fuerzas armadas era duro, así que tuvimos que ser creativas
Here’s the 411 on this long-lasting and reversible type of birth control
OB-GYN Toni Marengo and podcaster Amanda Huffman cover reproductive health challenges servicewomen and service members with female biology face.
Learn how to be your own advocate when it comes to your reproductive health
Aprende cómo defender tus derechos en lo que se refiere a tu salud reproductiva
Consejos para que mantengas una buena higiene en el ejército
Learn about this progestin-only oral contraceptive pill
Practicing good feminine hygiene on duty can be key to your physical and mental health