Gastrointestinal (GI)
More than just digestion, learn how your GI system affects your overall health.
Read through our articles to learn all about your gastrointestinal system and the conditions that affect it — from hemorrhoids to irritable bowel syndrome and everything in between.

I Loved My Army and Air Force Career, but the Toll It Took on My Health Was Brutal
After my experience with healthcare in the military, I’m now committed to getting veterans fair treatment

Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in the Field
Watch this video and learn what you can do before and during deployment to help your IBS symptoms

Military Service, Gut Health and You
Your guide to understanding and managing IBS, GERD and other issues affecting your GI tract

Ask the Expert: Gastrointestinal (GI) Conditions in the Military
Family physician and Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves Ada Stewart, M.D., discusses how GI conditions affect service members assigned female at birth
Real Women, Real Stories
GI conditions can be embarrassing to talk about. Read how other servicewomen overcame stigma and got the care they needed.

I Loved My Army and Air Force Career, but the Toll It Took on My Health Was Brutal
After my experience with healthcare in the military, I’m now committed to getting veterans fair treatment

Amé mi carrera en el ejército y en la fuerza aérea, pero la carga que impuso en mi salud fue brutal
Después de mi experiencia con la atención médica en las fuerzas armadas, tengo el compromiso de hacer que los veteranos reciban un trato justo

When I Was GI Jane, the “GI” Stood for Gastrointestinal Issues
Military fitness training triggered my severe irritable bowel syndrome — and I was arrested because of it

Cuando fui GI Jane, las letras “GI” parecían referirse a problemas gastrointestinales
El entrenamiento militar de ejercicio desencadenó un síndrome de intestino irritable grave y me arrestaron por eso

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Your story has value — and we want to help you share it with other women in our Real Women, Real Stories series. And we understand if you want to remain anonymous.