Spouses & Partners
The role of a military spouse or partner can be very challenging since life can change with little to no notice. The uncertainties that come with the military lifestyle can affect your overall well-being — and our Ready, Healthy & Able program is designed to help you prioritize your mental and physical health while you face them.

Managing Lupus as a Military Spouse or Partner
Watch this video to learn steps you can take to make living with lupus a little easier

It Wasn’t Stress. It Was Lupus.
Every time I was told I was “just working too hard,” the misdiagnosis allowed my body to continue damaging itself

No era estrés. Era lupus.
Cada vez que me decían que “estaba trabajando demasiado”, el diagnóstico erróneo permitió que mi cuerpo siga deteriorándose

When You’re a Caregiver for a Veteran with Cancer
Being a caregiver is difficult — and navigating healthcare for veterans with cancer brings extra challenges. Learn about resources that can help.

Cuando eres la cuidadora de un veterano con cáncer
Ser cuidadora es difícil y manejar la atención médica para veteranos con cáncer tiene desafíos adicionales Obtén información acerca de recursos que pueden ser útiles.

How Military Spouses and Partners Can Manage Diabetes
Learn more about managing stress and diabetes

En qué forma los cónyuges y parejas de militares pueden controlar la diabetes
Obtén más información para controlar el estrés y la diabetes

I Gave Birth During a Hurricane While My Husband Was Deployed to Afghanistan
Military spouses learn to be flexible, but I didn’t expect to change my birth plan so many times or for birth to be such a traumatic experience

Tuve un parto durante un huracán mientras mi esposo estaba en un despliegue militar en Afganistán
Los cónyuges de militares aprenden a ser flexibles, pero no esperaba cambiar mi plan de parto tantas veces o que sea una experiencia tan traumática

As a Military Spouse, I’m Working to Connect Communities
Military spouses and families of color can face unique challenges when we move to new locations. That’s why I created a network to help us better navigate our new stations.
Resources for Military Partners
Read through our list to help navigate and understand the resources available to you and your family — from mental health services to managing PCS and everything in between.
Military.com is a news and resource website that provides easily accessible information for military members, veterans and their families The spouses tab covers a range of topics such as deployment, PCS, relationships, military benefits, military spouse jobs, spouse and family education, military spouse appreciation day, PCS podcast and so much more.
National Military Family Association has been on a mission to stand up for, support and enhance the quality of life for every military family through bold advocacy, innovative programing, and dynamic and responsive solutions. The NMFA information and resources tab offers a variety of resources for military families such as adoption, childcare, Covid-19, deployment, EFMP+Special needs, kids education, licensing and certification, military family news, marriage and divorce, paid family leave, and policy issues.
Tricare is the healthcare program for uniformed service members, retirees and their families around the world. This website can help spouses understand their healthcare coverage and provides resources and information on plans and eligibility, finding a doctor, military hospitals and clinics, what is covered, cost, life events, forms, and claims.
Mental Health Care for Military and Families – Give an Hour Give an Hour’s mission is to develop resilient individuals and communities; to grow their social impact through responsive, scalable, individualized mental health programs aimed at closing access and delivery gaps to mental health care. Give an Hour proudly serves the military, veterans and their loved ones.
Military OneSource is a Department of Defense-funded program connecting service members and their spouses to practical and proven information and resources and helping families overcome challenges, reach their goals and thrive.
In sickness & in health: Promoting healthy lifestyles for military spouses Military Reach supports military families by mobilizing research into practical applications that can help when military families and spouses are exposed to unique stressors that can compromise their health.