Eliana Has Endometriosis
Endometriosis can be incredibly painful — physically and emotionally — and can lead to infertility. But there are treatments that can preserve your ability to have children.
A condition that causes tissue to grow outside your uterus and get stuck to other organs or structures
Endometriosis can be incredibly painful — physically and emotionally — and can lead to infertility. But there are treatments that can preserve your ability to have children.
La endometriosis puede ser increíblemente dolorosa, física y emocionalmente, y puede causar infertilidad. Pero hay tratamientos que pueden preservar tu capacidad de tener hijos.
Use our symptom overlap guide to help make your medical appointment more effective
Usa nuestra guía de coincidencia de síntomas que será útil para que tu cita médica sea más efectiva
A medical team including on-base gynecologists and off-base specialists can help manage your uterine health
Un equipo médico que incluye ginecólogos de la base y especialistas externos pueden ayudar a manejar tu salud uterina
Black women in the military are more likely to suffer from pelvic pain than other women in the military. Does implicit bias play a role?
Las mujeres de raza negra de las fuerzas armadas tienen más probabilidades de padecer dolor pélvico que otras mujeres de las fuerzas armadas. ¿Juegan prejuicios implícitos un papel en esto?
How to tell the difference about these conditions with similar symptoms and what to do about it either way
OB-GYN Shea O’Neill answers questions about pelvic pain