Women of the Military Podcast: Women’s Health on Missions, Trainings and Deployments
Nurse and veteran Pam Price and veteran Amanda Huffman discuss the importance of hygiene for overall health
Navigating the military health system can be tricky — learn how to be your own advocate when it comes to your health
Nurse and veteran Pam Price and veteran Amanda Huffman discuss the importance of hygiene for overall health
Kathy Beasley Ph.D., FACHE CAPT, USN (Ret.) is a retired Navy Captain who had a 30-year career serving in the Navy Nurse Corps. Upon retirement from military service, she worked for a decade at the Military Officers Association of America, where she advocated for military members, their families and veterans on a range of healthcare issues at the national level.
Watch as our panel of experts briefs policymakers on the state of health of servicewomen and service members with female biology
Where to look and what to avoid when using the Tricare network
En qué lugares buscar y qué evitar cuando se usa la red Tricare
Gender bias and challenges treating women’s military-related medical conditions pose a risk to military retention
Los prejuicios de género y los desafíos de tratar a mujeres con condiciones médicas relacionadas con la vida militar constituyen un riesgo para la capacidad de retención de las fuerzas armadas