After I Was Diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer, I Had Another Shock
My breast cancer surgeon missed a red flag, and I’ll always wonder if that changed everything
Read personal stories about the health journeys of servicewomen like you
My breast cancer surgeon missed a red flag, and I’ll always wonder if that changed everything
I embrace support, self-care and self-advocacy
The military can — and must — do better regarding military sexual trauma
Las fuerzas armadas pueden y deben hacer un mejor trabajo en lo que se refiere a traumas sexuales militares
Fundraising and advocating for research puts hope within my reach
Military spouses learn to be flexible, but I didn’t expect to change my birth plan so many times or for birth to be such a traumatic experience
Los cónyuges de militares aprenden a ser flexibles, pero no esperaba cambiar mi plan de parto tantas veces o que sea una experiencia tan traumática
I now focus on protecting and advancing the rights for the LGBTQ+ community as well as veterans and future service members
Ahora me enfocó en proteger y mejorar los derechos de la comunidad LGBTQ+ así como de veteranos y futuros miembros de las fuerzas armadas
Military spouses and families of color can face unique challenges when we move to new locations. That’s why I created a network to help us better navigate our new stations.