At Age 23, I Needed Persistence — and Data — to Convince Navy Doctors I Needed Fertility Treatment
Advocating for myself finally got me the baby I was trying for
Read personal stories about the health journeys of servicewomen like you
Advocating for myself finally got me the baby I was trying for
Tuve que defender mis derechos para tener el bebé que anhelaba
Fortunately, I wound up with a supportive team of healthcare providers who helped me get well
I had to leave the military healthcare system to finally be taken seriously
Tuve que dejar el sistema médico militar para que finalmente me tomen en serio
Puesto que era una mamá joven y que había inmigrado recientemente a Estados Unidos, pensaba que mi vida se movía y cambiaba rápidamente; sin embargo,el cáncer estaba avanzando aún más velozmente
As a young mom and recent immigrant to the United States, I thought my life was moving and changing quickly — but cancer was moving even faster
There’s so much support available to women in the military. I wish I’d sought out help sooner.
By the time I was diagnosed, I had stage 4 cancer
Cuando me diagnosticaron, ya tenía cáncer de etapa 4