Make the Most of Your Fibroids Medical Appointment Zigic

Make the Most of Your Fibroids Medical Appointment

Use our guide to help you navigate your treatment options for fibroids with your medical provider

Getting a fibroids diagnosis can take a long time. And after living with pelvic pain and other uncomfortable symptoms, making a decision with your medical provider about next steps might feel overwhelming. Our guide will help you navigate the conversation with your provider so you can be part of the decision-making process when it comes to your fibroids treatment.

Make a plan

Write out your concerns and questions before you go to your appointment so you don’t forget anything important. Keeping track of what symptoms you have and how much they disrupt your daily life will help your provider recommend the best treatment options for you. You can even use a notes app on your phone so you know you’ll have it with you when you arrive. 

Get the most out of your visit

Up to 80% of medical information told during a healthcare appointment is forgotten as soon as the visit is over. Take notes during your visit so you don’t forget anything when you leave. Be honest and ask questions if you don’t understand something. It’s your right to ask your medical provider to slow down or repeat themselves. 

Know your options

Fibroids treatment is not a one-size-fits-all approach. You have options for symptom management and treatment. 

Read: The A to Z of Fibroids Treatments >>

If you want to manage your symptoms like pain or heavy menstrual bleeding, there are hormonal medications and therapies or over-the-counter pain medications you can talk to your provider about. 

There are also many different types of procedures and surgeries that range from minimally invasive (involving fewer or no cuts, like an endometrial ablation) to more invasive (like a hysterectomy, a surgery to remove the uterus). 

If your medical provider recommends one treatment option over the others, it’s OK to ask why so you can better understand the risks and benefits of all of your options. 

Your goals and desires matter

You should have a say in what medical care you receive. Your goals and desires matter when it comes to deciding what treatment option is right for you. Think about:

  • How your symptoms affect your daily life 
  • What success looks like to you
  • What your future family planning goals are 
  • Your religious or cultural beliefs 
  • Anything else that may impact your decision

Share those goals and values with your medical provider. 

Remember that you have the right to a second opinion. If you feel dismissed by your medical provider or you don’t feel comfortable being honest with them, you can look for a new provider who listens to you. 

This resource was created with support from Sumitomo Pharma.


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