How Much Do You Know About Your Mental Health?

How Much Do You Know About Your Mental Health?

There are a lot of falsehoods about mental health. Test your knowledge and get the facts.

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True or False: Seeking help means I’m weak.

True or False: I can benefit from therapy even if I haven’t been diagnosed with a condition.

True or False: Medication is the only form of mental health treatment.

True or False: I won’t be able to get a security clearance if I’m receiving mental health treatment.

True or False: I will be non-deployable or discharged if I’m diagnosed with a mental health condition.

True or False: My command will know what I talk about in therapy.

True or False: TRICARE covers mental health care.


This resource was created with support from the Ready, Healthy & Able program funders.

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How Much Do You Know About Your Mental Health?

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